Up Close

December 9, 2020
Anything that completely fits on a 3” x 5” card or smaller. (If you crop, be sure to increase the pixel density to be clear on the judge’s screen.)

November 11, 2020
Any type of glass. Clear, translucent, colorful but not invisible (e.g., a photo through a window). The glass itself must be the focal element.
Color Yellow

October 14, 2020
Something that is yellow and forms the focal component of the image. Yellow may be represented by one or more shades
In The Kitchen

September 9, 2020
Something that typically exists in the kitchen. Not food. Includes the contents of cabinets and drawers.

August 12, 2020
Fresh, in process, ready to eat, partly eaten, or leftovers.
Anything Inside Your Home

July 8, 2020
May be anything (including pets) currently in your living space. Not a person. Not outside your living space. Not the view from your window.

June 10, 2020
Might include all or part of some structure.
Everglades Landscape

May 13, 2020
Must include foreground, midground and background and clearly be recognizable.
Night Photography

April 15, 2020
Must be taken at night.
Long Exposure

March 11, 2020
Must be a minimum of 5 seconds.