Assigned Topics

The Assigned Topic is recommended but not required each month.  Sometimes a member doesn’t have the time, ability or doesn’t care about the assigned topic. General entries can be entered instead.


It is not important to be better than someone else, but to be better than you were yesterday.



January 10, 2024

May be worn or displayed; can be any type of footwear including but not limited to shoes, sneakers, boots, sandals, clogs and crocs.

See Examples »

Shot From Above

February 14, 2024

Photo should be taken from a height looking down. Photo should be obviously taken from a higher level. Could be from a building, hill, mountain or other level that is noticeably higher than the subject.

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April 10, 2024

Something that shows the passage of time such as a clock, watch, stopwatch and anything else that shows the passage of time.

See Examples »

Wide Angle Lens

June 12, 2024

Use any lens that is 35mm (full frame) or wider to take a photo. This could include Fisheye Lens. If you are using a zoom, use the widest lens which in many cases would be 24mm. EXIF data must show when presented.

See Examples »


July 10, 2024

Stripping down the subject to only essential elements. Negative space could be included in minimalism.

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September 11, 2024

Moving your camera to follow the subject to have a sharp subject and a blurred background. Some subjects that could be panned: Vehicles, bicycles, runners, low flying birds with a background other than sky.

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March 8, 2023

Any means of transport of wheeled vehicles running on rails. May be the actual cars, engines, tracks or obviously related material.

See Examples »

Natural Frame

May 10, 2023

Frame must be in the original scene, not added in post. Does not have to be in nature such as trees. Could be man-made such as shooting a sailboat framed by sides of a pier.

See Examples »


June 14, 2023

Main image must be dark uniform density with no internal details. The remainder of image is totally up to the photographer.

See Examples »

Leading Lines

September 13, 2023

A prominent part of the image should be strong leading line(s) which highlights the main image. The image would lose impact without those lines.

See Examples »


October 11, 2023

The image must convey the condition of something wet. No body of water such as Ocean, River, Lake, Puddle or Waterfall. An example could be wet rocks.

See Examples »

Tells A Story

November 8, 2023

Clear depiction of some ongoing elements of a story. Static isolation is not acceptable such as a person sleeping.

See Examples »

Through A Window

December 13, 2023

Looking in or out. Window can be open; it can be a store window. Should be an interesting subject seen through the window. Reflections are allowed but cannot be the primary subject.

See Examples »



Circle / Round

January 12, 2022

The roundness must be the major aspect of the image; may be full or greater than semi-circles or round objects.

See Examples »

Night Lights

February 9, 2022

Image should clearly show that it was taken at night. May be skylight (Blue Hour) or local lighting, but not illuminated by the photographer.

See Examples »


April 13, 2022

Image must be larger on mobile phone screen than it is in reality (NOT the exact technical definition of Macro, but the one we are using here).

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Motion Blur

June 8, 2022

An important part of the image must be blurred to show motion. It may be a panned background or slow shutter speed of a moving target, but should still be recognizable.

See Examples »


September 14, 2022

Some instrument(s) of repair or manufacture of a reasonably durable product in a shop or home. Nothing transitory, such as sound or gestures. A cookie is durable enough to count.

See Examples »


October 12, 2022 – Workshop is September 28

An interesting part of a building (indoor or outdoor). Not a straight building image. Must show creativity of the photographer

See Examples »

By Candlelight

December 14, 2022

The major source of illumination must obviously be from one or more candles. At least one candle flame should be visible.

See Examples »




March 10, 2021

Image should utilize an angle from down, up, above, leading lines, etc. Though all images must be from some perspective, here the perspective is more important than the element being captured. Should be creative and obvious.

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April 14, 2021

Our eyes are naturally drawn to things that are symmetrical. A composition with two equal or close to parts does seem to conflict with the rule of thirds. If you’re going to break a rule, be sure and shatter it. Post processing flipped images NOT ALLOWED.

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May 12, 2021

Should contain multiple items of similar size or category, yet each component is an individual subject collected by a human collector whether intentional or not. Think kitchen utensils, stamps, or coins. It could even be crazy big like someone’s automotive collection.

See Examples »


June 9, 2021

Our eyes are predisposed to recognizing patterns. When we capture a repetition, it can create a powerful image. To create even more interest, offer up that pattern, make it prominent, but you may somehow break the repetition.

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July 14, 2021

Main image must lack all detail. May be black or another pure color (NO SHADING).and surrounded with white or another highly contrasting color (white or another pure color OR RANGE OF COLORS)

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August 11, 2021

Wood should be the major focus whether as the building component or the natural product itself.

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Automobile Emblem

September 1, 2021

May include something like the flying lady (Spirit of Ecstasy) on a Rolls Royce, or the symbols used to identify makes or models. May be from an old or newer car.

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November 10, 2021

Should express ideas and emotions in a photographed image without the intention of creating a traditional or realistic image. While many commonly observed photography rules don’t apply, a good abstract photo always has a clear, structural design. Much thought goes into the order, placement, and balance between shapes, patterns, textures, and colors within an abstract image.

See Examples »


December 8, 2021

Three photos with a single theme. Image may be a larger image broken into three individual images or three separate images that are clearly associated with each other. All three must be on a single final image.

See Examples »



Reflections and Refractions

January 15, 2020

Must utilize an external lens, excluding the camera lens and any direct attachments. Examples of acceptable elements are corrective eyeglasses, magnifying lens, glass ball, water droplet, filled transparent container, curved make-up mirror, chrome hubcap. The “curve” may be one- or two-dimensional, but not flat glass or wrinkled aluminum foil. The auxiliary optical element should be identifiable, and the reflected or refracted objects should be a major component of the image.

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Color Yellow

October 14, 2020

Something that is yellow and forms the focal component of the image. Yellow may be represented by one or more shades

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November 11, 2020

Any type of glass. Clear, translucent, colorful but not invisible (e.g., a photo through a window). The glass itself must be the focal element.

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Up Close

December 9, 2020

Anything that completely fits on a 3” x 5” card or smaller. (If you crop, be sure to increase the pixel density to be clear on the judge’s screen.)

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