Reflections in a Puddle

October 13, 2021
Image should be readily identifiable as a puddle and may be any liquid, inside or outside your home. May be naturally occurring or human made.
Automobile Emblem

September 1, 2021
May include something like the flying lady (Spirit of Ecstasy) on a Rolls Royce, or the symbols used to identify makes or models. May be from an old or newer car.

August 11, 2021
Wood should be the major focus whether as the building component or the natural product itself.

July 14, 2021
Main image must lack all detail. May be black or another pure color (NO SHADING).and surrounded with white or another highly contrasting color (white or another pure color OR RANGE OF COLORS)

June 9, 2021
Our eyes are predisposed to recognizing patterns. When we capture a repetition, it can create a powerful image. To create even more interest, offer up that pattern, make it prominent, but you may somehow break the repetition.

May 12, 2021
Should contain multiple items of similar size or category, yet each component is an individual subject collected by a human collector whether intentional or not. Think kitchen utensils, stamps, or coins. It could even be crazy big like someone’s automotive collection.

April 14, 2021
Our eyes are naturally drawn to things that are symmetrical. A composition with two equal or close to parts does seem to conflict with the rule of thirds. If you’re going to break a rule, be sure and shatter it. Post processing flipped images NOT ALLOWED.

March 10, 2021
Image should utilize an angle from down, up, above, leading lines, etc. Though all images must be from some perspective, here the perspective is more important than the element being captured. Should be creative and obvious.
Writing Implements

February 10, 2021
There should be an important element of human writing. From pens and pencils to typewriters (but not word processors?)
Black and White

January 13, 2021
Must be in any shade between black and white. Only Black and White! No sepia, or other colors.